Jesus changed everything for Mary Magdalene
Good things can come from (what we see as) damaged/wasted things
See Mark 14:6
Where we see damage, God sees possibility
Mary Magdalene went from a bad reputation, demon-possessed to walking in love with a new reputation as His follower.
Question: Can you sum up in one word the moment you encountered Jesus- (life changed) realizing that He came for you?
See Psalms 51:17
We cannot do enough things right to earn or deserve His grace, mercy, and love. And that is exactly why He came. He saw something different in Mary Magdalene that others didn't. He sees something in you too.
Jesus is questioned about the people He is spending His time with and hanging around: See Luke 5:31-32 and Luke 19:10
Jesus came for you, your damage, for me, and the demon-possessed Mary Magdalene.
When we see damage, God sees possibility. You're never too far gone.
Mary Magdalene traveled with and experienced Jesus's ministry here on earth.
Unexpected seasons can bring on a feeling of hopelessness.
When we see waste, God sees worth.
See: Ezekial 36:26
God sees worth in things that can break us/humble us.
God knew there was worth in Mary Magdalene's grieving.
It's easy to look at our struggles as a waste (things that are not a part of our plans). God doesn't see things like us.
There is worth in coming to the end of ourselves because that is when He can build us back up in ways that reflect more goodness and more of Him.
See John 12:24
See Matthew 5:3
See Romans 8:28
There is worth in our struggles. You cannot amputate your history from your destiny. God wants to use our history to make us who He called us to be.
Have you ever said these things to yourself: What else could possibly go wrong. Why can't one thing go my way? Why does it have to be so hard? We can lose our peace when we ask ourselves these questions.
How often do we struggle with our own expectations/our plans over God's?
God's Timing is not our Timing!
Don't forget what God has done. Turn to Jesus.
His Presence is Peace, brings hope, and is healing. His Presence can do that for us in our struggles, in our battles, and in our weaknesses.
See Isaiah 46:9
Mary Magdalene's time with Jesus was never wasted. It was a part of her journey.
Where we see an ending, God sees a beginning.
God sees what we can't or what we're not meant to see until His Perfect Timing.
See Isaiah 55:8-9
God takes our hard stories/struggles and He weaves redemption. He makes us ministers, not in spite of our pasts or sins but because of them. It's a part of the process and we can trust His Story.
When we see damage, waste, and endings- Our God sees possibility, worth, and beginnings.